When you place an order to supply your own content, you’ll need to wait until the topic is approved by the publisher before writing/submitting anything.
To supply your own content, when approving a placement, you can simply tick the Supply Own Content button as seen in the screenshot below on the personalisation screen of the ordering process.
When you click this, the discount for supplying your own content will automatically be applied.
When we get the topic approved by the publisher, you’ll receive a message with the topic title that needs to be written, links and anchors. This will be an automated message from the app.
Once you’ve written the content, you can then upload it via the placement pop-out thread.
Simply go to your project, find the placement, click "Order Info" and the pop-out will open. Next, just upload your content and images into the area as seen in the screenshot below:
When this is done, the placement will automatically move into our editor's section ready for editing once you refresh the page.
Editor Review
When you submit content, it will be reviewed first by our editor. If there are some issues with the content, such as duplicate content from other websites, it will be returned as a Content Review. You will receive a message about this and in the extra notes, you'll see the problem the editor encountered which needs to be fixed.
Once you review and update the content, you simply upload and send it again.
What's next?
If you have submitted your content, check out this article to stay updated on the status of your order 😊