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Managing your placement feedback
Managing your placement feedback

This article is going to take you through how to review and manage your placement feedback in the app

Tristan Gray avatar
Written by Tristan Gray
Updated over a week ago

There are a few different reasons why a placement feedback request would be raised. I've included some examples below:

  • Content review approvals

  • Anchor Text changes

  • Target URL changes

  • Target Keyword removal/change

  • Publisher may only accept one link

  • Delayed posting date

  • Live link issue

  • Additional cost due to the nature of the link e.g. CBD, adult-content

Now that we know why your feedback would be needed in some cases, it's time for us to walk through the reviewing and management of those requests.

Let's get started!

Notification email

As soon as a placement feedback request has been raised by our Production Team, you will receive a notification email automatically. This is sent out to all users set up against your company profile within the app.

Here's an example of that email:

Within that email, you're able to select the Review Now button in order to log into the app. However, if you're already logged in, it's exactly the same steps to follow!

Navigate to your dashboard

Once you've logged in, on your dashboard there's a section called Feedback Needed found on the lower left side of that page.

This section will list all of the placements which require your feedback! 😊

Feedback Needed

In order to review the information required by our Production Team, all you need to do is select Placement Feed:

Placement Feed

When the Placement Feed button is selected, a pop-up will appear on the right-hand side of your screen.

Within this screen, you'll have the option to Accept, Reject or Negotiate:

Once you've selected one of those options, this information will be shared automatically with our Production Team. If Accept or Reject is selected, the feedback requests will be removed from your list; however, if Negotiate is selected, this will remain on your feedback list until it's either accepted or rejected.

What's next?

Now that we've gone through placement feedback, why not login to the app and review if there's any pending requests awaiting your answer πŸ‘Œ

Click here to login to your account!


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