A project is the root domain of the website that you are planning on purchasing links for. With each project, you're able to use a different URL, and this allows you to select the most relative niche for your target website!
The niche you've selected allows our Customer Success Team to assign the best publishers suited to your project π
Navigate to your dashboard
From the dashboard, you can either click on New Project or Create a Project to get started:
Project details
Now we get to the details - this is where the magic happens! π
Here you'll have the opportunity to provide information such as domain metrics, niches of publishers you'd like to work with and any additional notes that will help our team find the best matches for you.
It is very important to indicate the actual domain so our team will be able to review the site and find the most suitable publishers for your project.
Be as detailed as possible in the additional notes if you wish not to disclose the website domain initially.
Finish your project
Once you're all good with the brief of your project, just hit the Save Project button.
Your request will be reviewed by our Customer Success Team and we'll start getting publishers assigned for you to review! We will have publishers assigned within 24 hours (if not sooner π)